5. Localization


Client charset and Font charset can be left by Default or you can choose your region from drop-down list.

Localization section of Store Manager is represented a list of available languages, that can be loaded into the program's interface. Opposite each languages there are certain symbols, which mean:

browse button

- the browse option

- enables to download and install the appropriate language package in Store Manager. The following mark - 'Installed' - appears after you pressed it:

Installed mark
Informational option

- the informational option

- moves to the translation page and, in case you decided to become the translator, allows to join to the corresponding program.

- the percentage value displays the volume of translation. The higher value - the greater program's options,features and commands are translated into the appropriate language.

Percentage values opposite each language posiitons

- Colored in green means, that the current language package is almost translated.

- Colored in blue - the translation is made by a half and still in progress.

- Colored in red - the translation is less than a half and not completed yet .

Please note, we recommend to choose and activate only the language with the green percentage values.

To make the appropriate language active in Store Manager click on the option for activation below and the following mark will appear opposite the selected position:

Activate language option